Abortion Procedure
The Abortion Pill.
(Medication Abortion) is up to 21 weeks Medication Abortion by Pill(s)
At Sharlyn Abortion Clinic, we offer ONLY the FDA-approved Drug, that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use, as our non-surgical method for terminating pregnancy. Caution: Some clinics may tell you they offer the “abortion pill”, however, they use an injection known as Methotrexate. This method has a high failure rate and is not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for the use of terminating pregnancies non-surgically. Using the abortion pill(s) is a method that uses a combination of medications. This type of medication blocks a hormone needed to sustain pregnancy. The next medication, then causes the uterus to contract and expel the uterine contents. The FDA has approved the use of this combination of medications to terminate pregnancies up to 21 weeks. This process is less invasive than a surgical procedure and is highly recommended for terminating an early pregnancy.
Medication Abortion Process.
After your ultrasound, lab work, and counseling session are complete and your medical history is reviewed, you will receive your first dose of the medication. You will take this medication in our office. The second dose of medication, will be given for you to take the following day. You may be instructed to take this medication orally or to insert it vaginally. You will be given the option of taking this dose in the privacy of your own home, or you may return to the office if you prefer. Within 24 hours after taking Misoprostol, you should experience some cramping and bleeding. Your uterus will contract and its contents will be expelled.
The Abortion Pill.
Most women will experience cramping and bleeding, which usually means that the treatment is working. Bleeding may be similar to or heavier than your normal period. You may also pass some blood clots and tissue. This is an expected part of the process. Bleeding lasts on average 9 to 16 days but may last as long as 30 days. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue.
How Effective Is The Abortion Pill?
Studies have shown that non-surgical abortion using medication is highly effective. Abortion medication has been successfully used by millions of women worldwide. Only 5 to 8 women out of every 100 using this method will not completely terminate the pregnancy. For those women, a surgical abortion may be done at our facility at no additional charge.
Two weeks after your initial visit, you should run a pregnancy test to determine if the abortion is complete. If you are still pregnant, we will discuss your options… Your next normal period may be from 4-8 weeks from your abortion. Please call if you are concerned or have not had a period by this time.
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Abortion Pills
What you need to know!
Before you go through with the abortion, here is some important information the you might find useful.

Verify your Pregnancy
First, you need to know if you really are pregnant. The best way to confirm a pregnancy is with a medical-grade pregnancy test

Determine how far you are
If you are pregnant, knowing how far along you are will determine the type and cost of an abortion.

Understand the Procedure
We will provide information about medication abortion (abortion pill) and surgical abortion. We will talk with you about your situation.

Abortion Pill
Medical Abortion: Use of medicines for termination of pregnancy up to 19 weeks or 120 days.

Surgical Abortion
Surgical Abortion: Use of surgical methods for termination of pregnancy. The procedure can be discussed with our Counselor

Timing is Crucial
It’s important to think about your options, have counseling, and not wait till the pregnancy has reached its maturity.
Why do People Decide to have an Abortion?
If you’re thinking about having an abortion, you’re so not alone. Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about 4 out of 10 of them decide to get an abortion. Some people with planned pregnancies also get abortions because of health or safety reasons. Overall, 1 in 4 women in South Africa. will have an abortion by the time they’re 45 years old. Sometimes, the decision is simple. Other times, it’s complicated. Either way, the decision to have an abortion is personal, and you’re the only one who can make it. Everyone has their own unique and valid reasons for having an abortion. Some of the many different reasons people decide to end a pregnancy include:
They want to be the best parents possible to the kids they already have.
They’re not ready to be a parent yet. It’s not a good time in their life to have a baby.
They want to finish school, focus on work, or achieve other goals before having a baby.
They’re not in a relationship with someone they want to have a baby with.
They’re in an abusive relationship or were sexually assaulted.
The pregnancy is dangerous or bad for their health.
The fetus won’t survive the pregnancy or will suffer after birth.
They just don’t want to be a parent.
Deciding to have an abortion doesn’t mean you don’t want or love children. 6 out of 10 people who get abortions already have kids – and many of them decide to end their pregnancies so they can focus on the children they already have. And people who aren’t already parents when they get an abortion often go on to have a baby later, when they feel they are in a better position to be a good parent. The bottom line is, that deciding if and when to have a baby is very personal, and only you know what’s best for you and your family.
Who can I talk to about getting an Abortion?
Lots of people lean on others to help them with their decisions. It’s good to choose people who you know are understanding and supportive of you. When do I have to make a decision? It’s important to take the time you need to make the best decision for you. No matter what decision you make.
When do I have to make a decision?
It’s important to take the time you need to make the best decision for you. No matter what decision you make.